Team 3635 – The Flying Legion


Thank you for considering supporting HCSD Robotics Team ~ Flying Legion Team #3635! Your partnership will empower these bright minds and contribute to the advancement of FIRST Robotics in Houston County.

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Gold ( $2,000+ )

    – Acknowledgement during team events and competitions

    – Listed as a primary sponsor on website and social media

    – Name/logo at the top of sponsor list on t shirt and banners

    – Workshop tour of facility

    – Robot presentation at your business

    – Name and Logo on robot

Silver ( $750 – $1999 )

    – Same as Bronze Level

    – Company Name/Logo on t-shirt

    – Workshop tour of facility

    – Acknowledgement at team events and competitions


Bronze ( $250 – $749 )

    – Logo placement on team banners 

    – Recognition on social media platforms and promotional                     materials.

    – Website recognition with links to company

    – Monthly social media recognition



If you are interested in Supporting the HCSD Robotics Team please contact Lindsey Levie.